Якорь мне в бухту, Якорь мне в бухту!

Якорь мне в бухту

Комментарии отключены. И может ли репа у кров паруса упасть ниже ненависти?. Прошел я по традиции и для времени петровский загиб, нажимаю дальше, аж весла гнутся, а на ходу все его тактические ошибки в свою пользу учитываю.

Полжизни не жаль за такую красотку! А вся-то наша жизнь не стоит и гроша, Йо-хо-хо-хо, якорь мне в глотку! Если мы обкатим этого милого президента шестью дюймами, небо ему покажется не более, чем его собственные подштанники, мать его душу через семь гробов!!! Тысяча чертей! Разрази меня гром!

Якорь мне в бухту: топ 5 крутых игр на пиратскую тематику

Якорь тебе в глотку! Жена твоя каракатица! Чтоб тебе подавиться ядовитой медузой! Да чтобы проклятый осьминог выпил весь ром в твоем желудке! Прошел я по традиции и для времени петровский загиб, нажимаю дальше, аж весла гнутся, а на ходу все его тактические ошибки в свою пользу учитываю. Одна, что он двенадцать апостолов в кучу свалил, — а я каждого по отдельности к делу приспособил. Также и сорок мучеников, кого сумел припомнить, в розницу обработал. А у них имена звучные, длинные — как завернешь в присноблаженного и непорочного святого Августина или в святых отцев наших Сергия и Германа, валаамских чудотворцев — глядишь, пять секунд на каждом и натянешь.

Другая его тактическая ошибка — родню он перебрал мою только, а я всех прочистил и по жениной его линии, тоже минуту выиграл. А надо вам сказать, я еще химию понаслышке знал, потому что по специальности минером-электриком был, — я и химию привлек со всякими ангидридами, перекисями и закисями.

А главное, я его же приемом работал: неожиданные понятия лбами сталкивать и соответствующим цементом соленого слова спаять — вот оно и получается. Наш «отключенный» инопланетянин, введённый в заблуждение своим неопытным земным консультантом, искренне воспринял все эти термины как способы по-доброму и фамильярно обратиться к близкому другу. Джеймс Бонд. Категория : Язык. Скрытая категория: Материалы Posmotre. Loading comments Пространства имён Статья Обсуждение.

Просмотры Читать Править История. Стили речи. Голос и тембр. Имена и прозвища. Комментарий от DO NOT wait with this until level 80 thinking it will be a sweet ride - at level 80 you will only receive a tiny 5 rep per Bruiser kill. Комментарий от I heard that the requirements were you only had to have your reputation up to neutral with the Bloodsail Buccaneers. Is this true or do you need to be friendly? Комментарий от Is there a certain amount of time for this quest or is it at your own pace?

Комментарий от Malchior Me a level 73 Prot Pally and a friend a level 74 Enchance shaman did this title in about hours. Комментарий от After nearly 3 days, roughly hours spent each day, I received the title. So I had rep to grind Some of the mobs Including some mobs that gives xp and drop-loot gives 5 rep with Bloodsails, some of the other mobs only give 1 rep.

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They are easy to kill, the respawn time is alittle big but notthing that concerns me. Bear in mind raids lower the rep gained. Imo take an aoe group. I myself have about kills to go lol.. A person joining wow right now might think that hitting exalted with Netherwing would take forever. The same goes for lvl 60 players before BC. U need to kill more the Booty Bay Bruisers.. There is many of my flight paths thats gone now.. Just good that I still can fly to Area 54 :P. Do you only gain rep if you kill the bruisers in Booty Bay?

Or do you have to reach hated or something with Ratchet and all those other goblin places? A side note.. Has there been any mention of them increasing the level to 77 in the future and hence, speeding up this achievement for anyone already at 80? Комментарий от This is going to be fixed in 3. Level 80s will now gain full reputation from grey mobs. Комментарий от airtonix Except for the fact that the Goblin Guard mobs will be raising in level again to 77 I believe.

Комментарий от airtonix "just"? Комментарий от airtonix.. Комментарий от Done this with my level 75 Unholy Death Knight. It took me 4 x minutes and an hour. Bruisers awarded 25 rep, vendors 1 rep and on attack summoned additional guards. Was a bit boring at the end but the award worths it! Комментарий от Mageorama Collector Edition: Netherwhelp is always possible to do Комментарий от Kelo70 Just got it at 80 today.

Started at rev. Комментарий от dimon it took me bout 1k gold only to get to neutral with BB and with gadgetan So think over everthing before masacre in booty bay. Комментарий от I need to be Friendly to talk with the Quest Giver guy? Комментарий от For me and a 80 I did it with half rep. I recommend to wait it out until the next patch when Blizzard lifts the level limitations on reputation grinding so that even if a mob is grey it will give the normal amount of reputation as it would if you were to be the same level as it.

Комментарий от Easy way to do it.

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Go to booty bay with a group or raid, Click " At War" with Booty bay. Start farming guards, kill em till your friendly with Bloodsail Bucaneers.

Якорь мне в глотку!

Комментарий от I actually have a question here. If you are friendly with bloodsail buccanneers for the title right, and you want to earn back your rep with Booty Bay and all goblin factions, and somehow you become Hostile again with Bloodsail Buccaneers, will you lose your title or not?

Комментарий от Yep! Took me about 3 or so hours to solo as 80 Death Knight. You have to go from hated to unfriendly to neutral to friendly.

All in all, you will need about rep and each BB guard will yield a scant 5 Bloodsail rep. I love the hat, parrot and title It is also a feat of strength.

Have fun ya scurvy dogs Комментарий от Siphius how can ya grind rep back up with them ya are freindly with bloodsail and hated bybooty so ya cant get quests from them.. Комментарий от Only took me about 3 hours of grinding since rep decay was removed, also the guards are now lvl Комментарий от SpoonPower I am pretty sure that you had to get to honored with the bloodsail buccaneers pre-TBC in order to get the quest.

Grinded my rep to honored made me able to get the quest though. Комментарий от Lol did this about 2 weeks ago. Im Unfriendly with BB atm because i grinded the Bloodsail. Easy to get. Комментарий от A guildie and myself just grinded for this achievement yesterday, after 3. Комментарий от Just knocked this one out as a dk, took me less than two hours. Комментарий от With the new patch, all mobs give their full rep. So each Bruiser is worth 25 rep. So this makes it a lot easier to do now.

Комментарий от Easy and fast grind for a lvl 80 paladin. Комментарий от Got htis yesterday as my level 62 restoration druid with 4 other level 80s who killed the guards. You can get the reputation while a spirit so this will help if you are too low a level. This took approximately 2 or 3 hours because there were 5 of us but one person was almost at minimum reputation with Bloodsail Buccaneers so one of the people managed to nearly get to revered with them.

Комментарий от 80 human rogue working towards this achievement at the moment. Currently 10k rep away from hostile, grinded for about an hour and a half, and was originally deep into hated. Not a bad grind at, considering the rep a kill, until you become hostile with Booty Bay and the guards begin to double spawn and attack you before you get the jump on them. A clothy might find this extremely annoying to solo unless you have healing capabilities.

Комментарий от Just got this today. Took me a few hours of gameplay, really not that difficult. Комментарий от Erm coords for that guy in feralas? Комментарий от LordShadovar "just"? Комментарий от obievil it actually only took me a little over 3 hours to do it with BB at neutral on my DK Комментарий от lolzdeepeess Hey me and a friend just did this in a hour and a half.

Were both raid geared and hes tank im dps. I read how some people said its hard but this was easy! Bought mine off eBay, worked perfectly. Комментарий от just did this on a level 75 boomkin with a holy palidan level 80 and a unholy dk level 80, took err Комментарий от Otacon As a DK with the standard 2h unholy spec I did this achievement in just a bit more then an hour. Had almost no moments where I was not fighting some bruisers :.

Комментарий от im like hated with them il never get that hat. Комментарий от I do not believe that this title is worth being at war with Booty bay. It was funny doing quests for them and fishing there, so for me they are kinda mates. Комментарий от i used like 2 hours farming as a prot paly.

I was seriously not expecting to see it listed as a Feat of Strength, just made me go O. Комментарий от will you lose the title if you go back to BB rep? Комментарий от This is very easy when u have a group of 5 people including a healer and i got it done today in 2,5 hours so i say thats pretty easy.

Комментарий от It is hell of a work getting through Ratchet and to the boat when they get hostile Комментарий от The Achievement is still obtainable as of 12th April , i just got it :D.

Keep using your instant FoL and you will be topped off the whole grind. Noggenfogger elixer? Should of stocked up before hand. One thing i would like to point out that gave me some trouble. Some or possibly all of the bruisers will shoot at ya with their little pellet gun. Be careful because it has a knockback effect. I was semi afk and next thing i know i was being shot across the bay. Try and stay close to them to avoid this.

Good luck with the grind :D. Комментарий от Chrisz Did this today with a group of 4 took arond 1 and a half hour.. Комментарий от Nimodara Getting this achievment is worth the cool title u get " Bloodsail Admiral " and is one of the Quicker less common title to get, i did it in 1 night solo at lev 75 in a total of about 5 hours and will always be cooler then a title like " Jenkins " so if u find some spare time on your hands and wana get a nice quick title this is something to have in mind.

The best spot to solo the guards in my option is this spot in the back. To get there from the Booty Bay entrence you go left and your gonna see a guard to houses with 1 npc in each house an npc outside the 2nd house and a guard right next to him.

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If u find urself with out guards to kill just attack a npc cause when u do they spawn a guard and if ur still low on guards u can just go back to the entrence and pull the 2 guards there. Комментарий от Schnoodledorfer FWIW, I tried to use the script from the top of this page to put the link for the achievement into chat and it disconnected me every time.

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Комментарий от i got this title in less than 2 hours with me boomkin warr prot arcane mage rogue and a priest for heals. Комментарий от Took me around 2 hours to do this by myself as a frost Death Knight. Soloable at level Not difficult at all, but terribly boring, as most grinds Nether Ray, Cenarion Expedition, etc. But the title, hat and clothing is more than worth it. Funny that they hint it takes a long time.

Комментарий от 80 Death Knight, 1 hour dead. Last night was ridiculously insane! Had a warlock, another mage, a Pally, and a DK. We wrecked all of booty bay last night right on the main docks where you get off the boat all the way to the INN, and then we worked our way up stairs and then jumped down onto the deck and went back to where the boat drops you off. Got all three quests done, and time to work on getting my rep back up.


Комментарий от I assume you can kill the goblins in Ratchet and Gadgetzan as well? Комментарий от This achievement is not as difficult as it may seem.

It only took my level 80 buddies and I two to three hours to do at most. It basically began with us fooling around in STV wiping the enemy base, killing low-level enemy faction "newbies" when I told them as a joke that we should go get the Bloodsail achievement I believed then that it would take forever and they would laugh it off. They ended up taking me seriously and we spent the next few hours grinding our pirate rep up to friendly.

And the Bloodsail pirate uniform was just another bonus. But my favorite was getting the title "Bloodsail Admiral", which to me is simply too awesome for words. However, please be aware that achieving the title and obtaining these bonuses will get you to Hated or at the very least Hostile with all the Steamwheedle goblin factions.

There are many consequences involved with dropping to this level of rep, examples including loss of access to all the neutral Auction Houses AH , inability to purchase the highly popular "Noggenfogger Elixir", and have nearly all goblins across Azeroth attack you on sight.

That said, just be sure to consider the consequences before doing this quest. Indeed there are ways to reverse your reputation with the goblins, but these methods are all costly, or highly time-consuming.

Oh well, at least I have a good excuse if a level 30 ever begs me to help them in Stranglethorn. They continue to attack you after the vanish animation, even with the "Improved Stealth" buff from Vanish. More info here. If you have the title and you grind your rep back up with the Cartel, do you lose the achievement?

Комментарий от Undiscovered Do you think this feat of strength is doable with a 60 warlock and 60 priest or would you recommend a 80 boost. Комментарий от Now how do i reverse it easly?

Комментарий от This was obtanable for a lvl Комментарий от Doing during pirates day right now and got enough people to get a party going, its a much faster way to gain rep this way. Good luck farming this achievement and getting back to neutral!

Комментарий от Just finished this last night and wanted to share my thoughts. Rep, unlike exp, is not divided groups. Everyone in your group gets full rep for every kill. I ran this 80 Rogue with two friends 80 DK and 80 Shaman and it took about 4 hours.

Solo would have probably taken much more than Tanking as a Rogue I was never really in danger of dying with my pulls, but the fast respawns can catch you off guard. What really helped was my engineering repair bot. Keep that in mind. Plan a route. Fight inside as much as possible.

When this happens - save your friend. Get into melee range of the shooter to make him put his gun away. Disarm works wonders here. Our route started in the NE corner of the first large building on the lower level huge mob pulls here when hated , ran quickly into the next house, worked our way up the stairs, behind the top level building so as not to get shot into the water , into the Inn, up and out, across and then dropped back down into the starting point.

Each loop took about 20 minutes. Kill everying. Lastly, is it worth it? As silly as this sounds I did all of this without realizing there was a title involved with the acheivement. The hours of pandamonium in Booty Bay, the confused look you can just feel on every passer by, the pirate life! Which is what a game should be at the end of the day. Комментарий от One more thing.

To really complete the pirate look I recommend getting a few things. Trinket - Cannonball Runner It summons a freaking cannon! Комментарий от ExEliminator7 woot th comment Комментарий от I may have missed it.

The only solution i can think of right now is by attacking horde there. Which isnt the best method for fighting the guards on your terms. Комментарий от eviltwinz8 Do you get to keep the cool hat and stuff if you grind your rep back to friendly with ratchet?

I ask because I only want the hat and title, but I still wanna be able to go to Ratchet and BB and stuff without getting slowed down by guards. Комментарий от Me and 6 of my guildies did it in about and hour and a half. Not hard at all. Комментарий от Nubia "I killed thousands of innocents,and all I got was this lousy hat".

Комментарий от This is actually one of the easiest rep farms to do. The only real tips i have for people doing this is to check to see if anyone in the area is doing quests in BB. One last thing: on the final quest for this you ARE gonna be slowed down by at least 10 guards on your way to the target Pretty much the only hard thing in the entire quest for my DK PvP trinkets and undead and human and gnome racials may help there.

Good luck on getting your hat and title! Go to Ratchet. Комментарий от Achievement is actually quite easy. Just head over to Booty Bay, since it seems to have the most density of Bruisers in one place, and just kill away.

Комментарий от How do we Get reputation back fast with Steamwheedle cartel once we get this Achievement? Комментарий от medvih rly eezy waht to say ;. Комментарий от I have a newb question I am on chinese servers and we are stuck at level I want to grind this rep Комментарий от Chewb If your going to get this title, I would suggest taking a group of heavy AoE classes. I did it with 80 ret, 80 boomkin and 74 destro lock me. I took no longer than 1 hour and 30 minutes. StarFall, Divine Storm, Shadowfury, flamestrike, ect, ect ,ect Another helpful hint.

Good luck, hope you have fun with the grind. Комментарий от Sorebane Finished in 2 hours flat solo on a 5. В награду вы получите следующее звание: Адмирал Кровавого Паруса. Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален.

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